WS SDK Professional Edition Development Utilities

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The wbemop program is a CLI (Command Line Interface) utility that will allow a user to execute CIM Operations against a WBEM Server.

Run wbemop from the following directory

Platform Directory
Windows C:\Program Files\ws\sdk\bin
Linux /usr/ws/sdk/bin
Solaris /opt/ws/sdk/bin

Command Line Syntax

The wbemop utility can be invoked by typing wbemop at the command prompt. The command line syntax for the wbemop utility is included in the two following tables.

C:\>cd \Program Files\ws\sdk\bin C:\Program Files\ws\sdk\bin>wbemop -h
Copyright (c) 2002-2010 WS, Inc.
Use is Subject to License Terms.
-ac <name> Association class name
-ar <name> Association role argument
-co Include class origin information
-d Display debug information
-dh Deep Inheritance off
-f <filter> Filter for query execution
-h Display this usage statement
-kf <file> KeyStore File (Mutual Authentication)
-kp <password> KeyStore Password (Mutual Authentication)
-l <locales> List of locales in priority order.
-lo Include local properties only
-nq Do not include qualifiers
-p <credential> WBEM Server credential (e.g. password)
-ph <host> HTTP Proxy Host
-pl <prop>,* Comma-separated property list
-pp <port> HTTP Proxy Port
-ql <language> Query Language to use for executing queries
-rc <name> Result class name
-rp <credential> WBEM Server Role credential (e.g. password)
-ru <principal> WBEM Server Role principal (e.g. role to assume)
-rr <name> Result role class name
-s <server> WBEM Server URL
-tf <file> TrustStore File (Mutual Authentication)
-u <principal> WBEM Server principal (e.g. username)
-v Display the version information
-wp <protocol> WBEM Protocol (e.g. CIM-XML, WS-Management, ..)
-x Display the results in XML
-mo Maximimum number of objects for each Pull request (defau lt 1)
-su Change the Resource URI (default: http://schemas.dmtf.or g/wbem/wscim/1/cim-schema/2/)
OBJECTPATH The objectpath of the element.
ci Create an Instance
dc Delete a Class
di Delete an Instance
dq Delete a Qualifier Type Declaration
ec Enumerate Classes
ei Enumerate Instances
eq Enumerate Qualifier Types Declarations
gc Get a Class
gi Get an Instance
gq Get a Qualifier Type Declaration
mi Modify an Instance
nc Enumerate Class Names
ni Enumerate Instance Names
as Associators
an AssociatorNames
rs References
rn ReferenceNames
qe Execute the supplied/default query
pan Pull Associator Names
pas Pull Associators
pei Pull Enumerate Instance
pni Pull Enumerate Instance Names
prn Pull Reference Names
prs Pull References
ATTRS prop=value[,prop=value] Examples:
wbemop -s http://myhost/interop CIM_Test.InstanceID="org id:3" mi array={1;2;3 }
wbemop -pl name,handle -s https://localhost/interop CIM_ProtocolAdapter ei
wbemop -nq CIM_ManagedElement gc
C:\Program Files\ws\sdk\bin>

CAUTION: wbemop does not support metadata operations (e.g. gc, ec, etc) when using the WS-Management protocol because the WS-Management protocol does not support metadata operations.

Default Values

The following table shows the default values for each of the option arguments. If an option is not listed, then it has no default value.

Option Description Default
-ac Association null
-ar Association Class argument null
-co Class origin TRUE
-d Display XML Debug Information FALSE
-dn Deep Inheritance TRUE
-h Display this usage statement FALSE
-lo Include local properties only FALSE
-nq Do not include qualifiers FALSE
-p <credentials> CIM Server credential (e.g. Password) null
-pl <prop><prop> Query Language WQL
ql Comma-separated propery list null
-rc Result class argument null
-rr Result Role argument null
-s <server> WBEM Server URL http://localhost/interop
-u <proncipal> WBEM Server principal (e.g. Username) guest
-v Display the version information FALSE
-wp WBEM Protocol CIM-XML
-x Prints the results in cimXML format FALSE


The following use cases will show examples of how to use wbemop. The examples shown use CIM-XML a secure HTTPS connection. To use an HTTP connection, replace https with http.

For example:

wbemop -s https://localhost/interop -u user1 -p pass1 CIM_ObjectManager ei
wbemop -s http://localhost/interop -u user1 -p pass1 CIM_ObjectManager ei

C:\>cd \Program Files\ws\sdk\bin C:\Program Files\ws\sdk\bin>wbemop -s https://localhost/interop -u user1 -p pass1 CIM_ObjectManager ei instance of WBEMSolutions_ObjectManager {

Version = "3.4.3";
Build = "04/21/2010 04:55";
PrimaryOwnerName = "WS, Inc.";
PrimaryOwnerContact = "";
Caption = "WS J WBEM Server";
Description = "WS J WBEM Server";
ElementName = "WS J WBEM Server";
Started = true;
OperationalStatus = {2};
CreationClassName = "WBEMSolutions_ObjectManager";
SystemCreationClassName = "WBEMSolutions_ComputerSystem";
SystemName = "";
Name = "WBEMSolutions:e05f6594-7b0f-44f3-a690-d34e75a8f849";

Processed 1 elements in 1657 milliseconds. C:\Program Files\ws\sdk\bin>

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