WS SDK Professional Edition Development Utilities

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mofcomplist is very similar to mofcomp; i.e., it creates or modifies a Repository by parsing definitions in a MOF file. However, it has additional options that filter the list of classes and qualifies created. It performs the following functions:

  • create new classes, instances or namespace based opun a filter list of classes and qualifiers
  • create a new repository as standalone tool
  • modify an existing Repository by connecting to a running J WBEM Server

Generally, supporting a particular device or product only requires a subset of the entire CIM Schema. Hence, creating a new Repository containing the entire CIM Schema is unneeded. In fact, doing so degrades server performance because the server must continually search through unneeded class information.

Mofcomplist can be used to conveniently create or modify a Repository to contain only a minimal subset of classes. It creates a Repository based on a reference set of MOF files (e.g. CIM Schema v2.24.1). However, it creates only those classes specified in an input list. Likewise, it creates only those qualifiers specified in another input list.

Mofcomplist can be found in the following location:

Platform Directory
Windows C:\Program Files\ws\bin\mofcomplist.bat
Linux /usr/ws/bin/mofcomplist
Solaris /opt/ws/bin/mofcomplist


The mofcomplist utility can be invoked by typing mofcomplist at the command prompt.

C:> cd \Program Files\ws\bin
C:> mofcomplist -h
mofcomplist [options] MOFFILE
Copyright (c) 2002-2007, WS, Inc. Usage Options:
-d Display debug information
-h Displays this usage statement
-kf <file> KeyStore File (Mutual Authentication)
-kp <password> KeyStore Password (Mutual Authentication)
-lc <filename> List of classes to include.
-lq <filename> List of qualifiers to include.
-n <name> Namespace
-o <dir> Directory to output files
-p <credential> WBEM Server credential (e.g. password)
-q Quiet mode
-rp <credential> WBEM Server Role credential (e.g. Password)
-ru <principal> WBEM Server Role principal(e.g.role to assume)
-s <server> WBEM Server URL
-tf <file> TrustStore File (Mutual Authentication)
-u <principal> WBEM Server principal (e.g. username)
-v Display the version information
-wp WBEM Protocol (e.g. CIM-XML, CLP, ...)
-i <name> Interop namespace
MOFFILE MOF File to read
mofcomplist -lq array_qual.lst -lc array_class -o repository ../ dmtf/2.8/CIM_Schema28.mof

Default Values

The following tables shows the default values for each of the option arguments. If an option is not listed, then it has no default value

Option Description Default
-d Displays debug information FALSE
-h Display this usage statement FALSE
-i Interop namespace Interop
-o Directory to output <current directory>
-p <credential> WBEM Server Credential (e.g. Password) guest
-q Quiet mode FALSE
-s <server> WBEM Server https://localhost/interop
-u <principal> WBEM Server principal (e.g. Username) guest
-v Display the version information FALSE
-wp WBEM Protocol CIM-XML

Exit Codes

The following exit codes can be returned

Exit Code Description
0 Success
-1 File not found
-2 mofcomplist encountered error
-3 Unknown error


On windows, the following steps create a new Repository that contains only those classes that the J WBEM Server uses to managed itself.

  • Open up a DOS window via Start → Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt
  • From within the DOS window, change the directory where mofcomlist.bat is located
  • From within the DOS window, to create the new Repository in the repository

The following shows the command and the result

mofcomplist -o repository -lc ..\server\jserver\mof\wsi_interop_class.lst -lq

mofcomplist screenshot

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